A Matter of Principle - Michael James

A Matter of Principle

By Michael James

  • Release Date: 2013-06-15
  • Genre: Krimis und Thriller


Perestroika and the fall of the Berlin wall signalled the demise of the communist system in Eastern Europe. It was a time of euphoric hope and expectation for those in the East and an opportunity for the less scrupulous people in positions of influence to create great wealth. It is now 1995 and the rich get richer,the corrupt more powerful and the poor more desperate as they struggle to come to terms with their new democracy and shattered dreams. Rashid Ibragimov is a small time private investigator in Moscow. When he is asked to find proof of corrupt activity perpetrated by an opponent of a prominent politician, he sees an opportunity to get his business off the ground. So,mindful that this could be a dangerous assignment,Ibragimov takes the job with little knowledge of what he has let himself in for. A world away in suburban Sydney a retired businessman, scarred by his experiences in Russia,is enjoying retirement. That is until a phone call from Ibragimov brings back the past to haunt him. A reluctant John Timmons joins with Ibragimov in an unlikely allegiance that creates a trail of mayhem and murder across two continents a world apart. What do a private investigator from Moscow and a retired businessman from Australia have in common? In the end it's a question of kill or be killed.